mentorship 2024

Available Mentors

Mentor - Dr. Kunal Chakraborty

Name: Dr. Arvind Singh

Country of residence: India

Institution: Physical Research Laboratory (PRL)

Additional language: Hindi

Chemical Oceanography

Climatology, Meteorology

Mentor - Dr. Gemma Kulk

Name: Dr. Gemma Kulk

Country of residence: United Kingdom

Institution: Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)

Additional language: Dutch

Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology

Mentor - Dr. Nimit Kumar

Name: Dr. Nimit Kumar

Country of residence: India

Institution: Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)

Additional language: Hindi, Gujarati

Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology

Fisheries, Aquaculture

Policy, Law, Economics, Management


Satelitte Remote Sensing, GIS

Mentor - Dr. Bennet Foli

Name: Dr. Osvaldo Ulloa

Country of residence: Chile

Institution: University of Concepcíon

Additional language: Spanish

Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology


Research Gate

Google Scholar


Mentor - Dr. Ravidas Naik

Name: Dr. Ravidas Naik

Country of residence: India

Institution: National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR)

Additional language: 

Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology


Mentor - Dr. Ravidas Naik

Name: Prof. Rodney Foster

Country of residence: United Kingdom

Institution: University of Hull

Additional language: 

Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology

Fisheries, Aquaculture


Research Gate

Google Scholar


Mentor - Dr. Sebastian Krieger

Name: Dr. Sebastian Krieger

Country of residence: Brazil

Institution: Bloomberg

Additional language: Portuguese

Data Analysis

Machine learning and Artificial Neural Networks

Numerical Modeling

Physical Oceanography

Satellite Remote Sensing

Time-series Analysis, Methods, and Tools

Mentor - Dr. Adriana Gonzalez Silvera

Name: Dr. Sudhan Chandran

Country of residence: India

Institution:Fisheries College and Research Institute (FCRI)

Additional language: Tamil, Telugu, Hindi

Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology

Fisheries, Aquaculture

Sea Turtle species identification & conservation

Ecological Modelling