Prof. Osvaldo Ulloa, Director of the Millenium Institute, University of Concepciòn, Chile, has been awarded the highly prestigious Royal Society International Wolfson Senior Visting Fellowship. The award, open to scientists from all disciplines and all countries, provides travel and scicence support for well-established scientists from any foreign country to visit a UK institute for one year, over a period of two years.
Only a maximum of three fellowships are awarded each year, so receiving the award is a great honour. The Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK is Osvaldo’s host while he holds this award. The Fellowship is seen as an avenue to build on, and continue the scientific legacy of Prof. Trevor Platt, and to strengthen scientific collaborations between South America and the UK. The science plan includes investigation of phytoplankton communities in the oxygen minimum zones in Pacific Ocean, and the impact of oxygen depletion in the oceans on marine primary production.